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CowToy's Burley Cow

This is a list of all the public pages at CowToy.com (our sitemap), minus a couple that are not meant to be found on search engines.

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Fun Cow Facts
Did You Know?

The weight of the average adult cow varries from breed to breed, ranging from about 600 pounds, to about 2,500 lbs. The world record for the heaviest bull was 3,840 lb, a Chianina named Donetto, when he was exhibited at the Arezzo show in 1955. The heaviest steer was eight-year-old 'Old Ben', a Shorthorn/Hereford cross weighing in at 4,720 lb in 1910. In the United States, the average weight of beef cattle has steadily increased, especially since the 1970s. Before 1790 beef cattle averaged only 350 lb; and thereafter weights climbed steadily.

Credits to: reference.com, wikipedia.org, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, dairymoos.com, globaldairyplatform.com, fortune.com, farmsforcitykids.org, drovers.com, blog.machinefinder.com, thememorybank.co.uk, and milkproduction.com, for most of the fun cow facts.

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