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Burley Cow's Sliding Puzzle Game

You remember these sliding puzzles, from when you were a kid, don't you? They were about 4 inches square and you moved the squares around until you got all the pieces in order. Well, that's the way it works, here, too!

And wouldn't you know it? They'rs all pictures of COWS...

Click on 'Instructions' to read how to play the game.

Instructions (popup)






Fun Cow Facts
Did You Know?

Fair Oaks Farms, of Indiana, have come up with a process that turns their dairies' tons of cow manure into natural-gas fuel, enough natural gas to power 10 barns, a cheese factory, a cafe, a gift shop and a maze of child-friendly exhibits about the world of dairy. It also powering 42 trucks that make daily trips to milk processing plants in Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. The farm has reduced its use of diesel fuel by more than 2 million gallons per year. The surplus clean biogas is piped and sold to a Compressed Natural Gas fueling station.

Credits to: reference.com, wikipedia.org, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, dairymoos.com, globaldairyplatform.com, fortune.com, farmsforcitykids.org, drovers.com, blog.machinefinder.com, thememorybank.co.uk, and milkproduction.com, for most of the fun cow facts.

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Sliding Puzzle Instructions

To play:
  1. Click the "New Image" button until you find an image you like. (These are random images).
  2. Once you find one you like, memorize it the best you can.
  3. Press the "New Game" button. The puzzle picture will be scrambled.
  4. Click on any puzzle square next to the blank space. It will automatically move into the blank space.
  5. When you complete the puzzle, it will tell you how quickly you finished the puzzle!

Some Notes: The default puzzle size is 3 boxes down, by 4 boxes across. This is the easiest level. You can change the puzzle difficulty, at any time, by clicking one of the radio buttons and the "Change Puzzle Size" button. However, If you change the size during a game, the game will be reset with a new image. HAVE FUN!